We are proud to acknowledge that the Ontario Miniature Enthusiasts of Guelph Area (OMEGA) have been operating for over 39 years. It's creative light continues to shine thanks to our enthusiastic members! Currently, we meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month (except July & August), and we also meet virtually on the last Thursday of each month. In the spring time, we band together to produce the annual "OMEGA Show" and in the fall we host the annual OMEGA Bazaar. Our members come from various communities, some as close as down the road and others as far away as London, Ontario.
What Happens at Meetings
At the beginning of each meeting there is a small amount of business, but the workshops/tutorials, show & tell sessions, guest speakers and group projects are what we truly love and are at the heart of our time together. We also share fellowship over snacks and coffee, that each member takes a turn supplying, and sometimes we are treated to a fun surprise!
Who Can Attend
Currently, we are accepting new memberships for anyone 18 years of age or older and interested in the art of miniatures. However, at this time, by mutual agreement of the members, we do not accept virtual only members.
Membership dues are $25.00 for the year; the membership year is September-June, however you can join at anytime. All members are expected to help at our annual Show in the spring. Members can sign out books and magazines from our library.
What Workshops Are Like
Our members, and sometimes guests, will put together an easy, interesting project for us to complete in one meeting. Part of what makes being a member so exciting is learning, sharing and growing our own skills, from the shared knowledge of the group. It's so rewarding to put together a small item that will one day be useful in a larger installation, like your dollhouse or room box. Depending on the project there may be a fee ranging from $1-$10 depending on material used and the complication of the project but participation is always at a member's discretion.
Common toolbox items
The following items are handy to bring with you to our workshops:
- sharp Xacto knife -a cork backed ruler
- scissors (for cutting paper) - a sewing kit: needle, thread, pins and tiny sharp scissors
- glues for paper, wood etc. - maybe a bottle cap to put the glue in
- sandpaper in several weights - tweezers
- toothpicks - push pin for making a hole
- paper towel - wax paper or a tile to work on or a cutting mat extra but useful:
- a few Lego blocks to use as a squaring jig - alligator clips for clamping (the Source)
- a pin vise - wire cutters
- dental tools - super glue
- razor blade -handi wipes to keep your hands clean
and something to carry your creation home safely
Group Projects
Every year we collaborate on a group project which is then showcased at our annual OMEGA spring miniature show. This year we made "She Sheds" that reflected the unique personalities of our members. Each was stunning in its individuality. We have an exciting project planned for our 2025 spring show and we know you will love it!
For more on the OMEGA Show including fantastic photos see our page "Annual Show" and "Show Gallery".
What Happens at Meetings
At the beginning of each meeting there is a small amount of business, but the workshops/tutorials, show & tell sessions, guest speakers and group projects are what we truly love and are at the heart of our time together. We also share fellowship over snacks and coffee, that each member takes a turn supplying, and sometimes we are treated to a fun surprise!
Who Can Attend
Currently, we are accepting new memberships for anyone 18 years of age or older and interested in the art of miniatures. However, at this time, by mutual agreement of the members, we do not accept virtual only members.
Membership dues are $25.00 for the year; the membership year is September-June, however you can join at anytime. All members are expected to help at our annual Show in the spring. Members can sign out books and magazines from our library.
What Workshops Are Like
Our members, and sometimes guests, will put together an easy, interesting project for us to complete in one meeting. Part of what makes being a member so exciting is learning, sharing and growing our own skills, from the shared knowledge of the group. It's so rewarding to put together a small item that will one day be useful in a larger installation, like your dollhouse or room box. Depending on the project there may be a fee ranging from $1-$10 depending on material used and the complication of the project but participation is always at a member's discretion.
Common toolbox items
The following items are handy to bring with you to our workshops:
- sharp Xacto knife -a cork backed ruler
- scissors (for cutting paper) - a sewing kit: needle, thread, pins and tiny sharp scissors
- glues for paper, wood etc. - maybe a bottle cap to put the glue in
- sandpaper in several weights - tweezers
- toothpicks - push pin for making a hole
- paper towel - wax paper or a tile to work on or a cutting mat extra but useful:
- a few Lego blocks to use as a squaring jig - alligator clips for clamping (the Source)
- a pin vise - wire cutters
- dental tools - super glue
- razor blade -handi wipes to keep your hands clean
and something to carry your creation home safely
Group Projects
Every year we collaborate on a group project which is then showcased at our annual OMEGA spring miniature show. This year we made "She Sheds" that reflected the unique personalities of our members. Each was stunning in its individuality. We have an exciting project planned for our 2025 spring show and we know you will love it!
For more on the OMEGA Show including fantastic photos see our page "Annual Show" and "Show Gallery".
Community Involvement
In the past, OMEGA has participated in the Festival of the Trees, at the River Run Centre in Guelph, which raises funds for the St. Joseph's Health Centre.The below pictures showcase some donations made by the Club to this fun project and worthy cause. We have also raffled off donated dollhouses with the proceeds going to the Guelph Humane Society. Our 2022 Guelph Humane Society dollhouse raffle was won by Karen Bainbridge.
In the past, OMEGA has participated in the Festival of the Trees, at the River Run Centre in Guelph, which raises funds for the St. Joseph's Health Centre.The below pictures showcase some donations made by the Club to this fun project and worthy cause. We have also raffled off donated dollhouses with the proceeds going to the Guelph Humane Society. Our 2022 Guelph Humane Society dollhouse raffle was won by Karen Bainbridge.