Our fearless leader, Marg, graciously hosted the Club members at her beautiful home where we enjoyed her warm and welcoming atmosphere. We all felt instantly comfortable while sipping mugs of coffee and tea.
What's a punch party you ask? Miniature flower making is an important aspect of dollhouse decorating, but before you can make a miniature flower you need to have some miniature petals and leaves. One of the easiest ways is to "punch" them out using assorted sized and shaped paper punches.
About 10 years ago, when scrapbooking was in its hey day, paper punches were available everywhere, but today, it's become difficult to find certain shapes and sizes appropriate for miniature flower making. As a club, we decided to pool our punches and share them with each other so that everyone in the group would have access to as many shapes and sizes as possible.
When you're sitting at home, alone, punching can be a very boring job, but when you're sitting together with your miniature making pals, laughing and socializing, punching out 1000 flower shapes can go by in what feels like a minute! We spent a couple of hours around the dining room table, punching and chatting, laughing and joking, and sharing miniature stories of successes and failures.
We closed up the day having a discussion about our upcoming bazaar on September 22, at the Puslinch Community Centre, starting at 12 noon, then we took care of a little club business. All too soon it was time to start packing up. One by one we made our exits and driving home felt grateful and happy that we were able to have such a lovely day with such wonderful friends.