Update September 24, 2019: There are still 3 tables available for the October Bazaar. If interested, please contact Janet at [email protected] Tables will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.
I was browsing the web this morning and came across an article in the Canadian Woodworking magazine. It is regarding a wonderful Canadian miniaturist by the name of John Ottewill. I really enjoyed reading about his tools and seeing some of the items he has made. He also teaches! Here is the link if you wish to read it: Canadian Woodworking
Today, our club met for the first meeting of the Fall season. It was so nice to see everyone after having the Summer off and we were all ready to start the Kitchen in a Box project. Over the Summer, I was able to cut out 11 kits for the members who wished to have one (with the initial help of Pat M when the pieces were too large for me to handle). There were many pieces to cut and compile into the kits and it was great fun. I was able to build my kit so that I could test the fit of all of the pieces before everyone received their kits and am now able to help the other members to complete theirs. Here is a photo of my completed project: I have put further photos into the Meetings Gallery album if you wish to see other views of it. During the meeting we decided that this year our Christmas gift exchange will be items (handmade or purchased) for the kitchen. I think this will go a long way towards helping all of us complete our kitchens in time for the Annual Miniature next May. In the Spring before we broke up for the Summer, we decided it would be fun to have mugs with our Club logo on it. I volunteered to make the stickers with my Cricut machine while Helle T volunteered to get the mugs. She was able to bring me the mugs when we all met for the miniature giveaway at our former member's home in August so I took them home and had fun watching the Cricut cut the logos. Here are our mugs. I think everyone enjoyed receiving one and they will be put to great use during our meetings. Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 21st. On page 3 of the instruction booklet for the Kitchen in a Box, you will find a list of other items it would be useful to have while building the kit. Please take a moment to peruse it. We will also send out reminders with the next newsletter. I look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting.
I was browsing the internet this morning and stumbled across this wonderful website of a truly gifted miniaturist. Here is the link to the site if interested: www.valentinesminiatures.co.uk/
Sean Valentine is a Hairdresser who discovered a passion for miniatures and has done some of the detailed miniatures for the Harry Potter films. Here is a picture of one of the houses he built: A few weeks ago we were contacted by the niece and nephew of former OMEGA members Dorothy and Bill North. They were wishing to donate miniature room boxes, etc to the members of the club. Several of the members (both past and present) gathered at their home on August 31 to view the pieces. We had a group raffle and each of us were able to take home some truly wonderful pieces. These pieces are marvelous works of art and were a joy to view. I know they will give many of us inspiration in our own miniature work. The amount of detail that went into these pieces were truly amazing and they will be enjoyed for many years to come by the members who were able to receive them. A big THANK YOU to the family of Dorothy and Bill. Here are a couple of the pieces made by them.
AuthorIt's Luna, I'm looking forward to sharing all the exciting news from OMEGA!
December 2024
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